Restshop #4 @ Tanzfabrik, Berlin

11.03 – 15.03 2024

In Restshop #4, the library of the Institute of Rest(s) meets the students of the program Dance Intensive: Alain Matthey de L’Endroit, Alessandra Grieco, Alma Pedersen Rousing, Bence Ungvári, Cora Mosel, Elena Bürer, Flamur Shabanaj, Gabija Lukoseviciute, Hannes Henschel, Judith Stamm, Kayo Post, Kim Walz, Luca Schüssler, Marta Huimerind, Meret Bader, Mirja/Mimi Henrich, Nina Marie Wendelboe, Philémon Bouderlique, Pinar Agabeyoglu, Róza Lesniewicz, Shannon Connelly, Ton Bogataj, Valentina Castilho D Angelo.